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Justice Dept Says Without Party Labels on Ballots, Blacks Won’t Know Who to Vote For

October 22, 2009

President Obama's DOJ "Yes-Man," Attorney General Eric Holder

President Obama's DOJ "Yes-Man," Attorney General Eric Holder

Justice may be blind to race, but the U.S. Justice Department is not. Eric Holder’s DOJ recently issued a decision that delivers an unmistakably racist message – skin color determines voter turnout, and voter intelligence.

The facts of the scenario playing out in the small city of Kinston, North Carolina – and the inner circles of the Obama White House – depict an administration willing to place a partisan agenda over the will of voters, and twist the intent of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, employing the legislation as no more than a means to a partisan end.

Last year, the city of Kinston – with a population of 23,000 – voted to lessen the partisanship of local elections by removing the party labels (Democrat, Republican and so forth) of local candidates from election ballots. The measure won by a majority vote in seven of the city’s nine black-majority voting precincts and both of its white-majority precincts.

In accordance with the Voting Rights Act, the city submitted the measure for final approval by the Justice Department. The DOJ denied the city’s measure, suggesting that the removal of party labels would limit blacks’ ability to elect the candidates they favor.

2010 Election Ballot - DOJSpecifically, the DOJ’s Aug. 17 letter to the city said the results of the city’s proposed measure “will be strictly racial.”

“Removing the partisan cue in municipal elections will, in all likelihood, eliminate the single factor that allows black candidates to be elected to office,” wrote Loretta King, acting head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division.

That single factor of a black candidate’s success, according to Ms. King, is the label “Democrat.”

The Justice Department’s decision is blatant in its racist, condescending assumptions that:

  • Black candidates are always Democrats;
  • If black candidates are not labeled as Democrats on the ballot, whites will not vote for them;
  • If black candidates are not labeled as Democrats on the ballot, they stand little chance of being elected on their own merit;
  • Black voters always vote for Democrats; and,
  • If candidates are not labeled as Democrat or Republican, blacks won’t know who to vote for.

A recent editorial issued by the News-Record, in Greensboro, NC, said the following of the decision and the value of non-partisan elections in the State –

Most North Carolina municipalities have abandoned partisan elections over the years. The change makes it easier for unaffiliated candidates to get on the ballot, includes all voters in primaries and — maybe — produces better government by breaking down the party lines that always seem to divide Democrats and Republicans in Raleigh and Washington.

Charlotte is the most notable exception. The state’s largest city still elects its mayor and council members in partisan contests.

So does the Lenoir County town of Kinston, even though 64 percent of voters supported an initiative last November to switch to nonpartisan elections.

Incredibly, the U.S. Department of Justice denied the change, citing provisions of the Voting Rights Act.

The Justice Department’s decision – a perversion of the intent of the Voting Rights Act – is also their misguided attempt to guarantee votes for Democrat candidates among a black voter population it views as too ignorant to elect a candidate on a basis other than party.

Under the false umbrella of the VRA, the Obama Administration has employed a new tool in electoral control; a follow-on to the practice of gerrymandering. Let’s call it Holderizing. Yet, despite the national political implications, few media outlets are covering the Justice Department’s August decision to deny Kinston the non-partisan elections it wants.

Even though it’s been more than a month since the decision was issued by the DOJ, the story is just starting to receive deserved attention from only a handful of news outlets and blogs, all conservative-leaning, proving that political labels do indeed account for some choices – like those made in the world of political news and opinion coverage.

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  1. October 22, 2009 6:43 am

    Come on, this is not racist – you’re the racist for pointing it out! When are you going to get that? Probably not unless you’re called a racist constantly, loudly, and all the while people might start thinking it about you, because they’ve heard you are from someone they listen to and admire, and then you’ll start to wonder, gee, is it possible I could really be a racist? I mean, after all they all think I am, could I be? And they’ll keep calling you one because throughout this process you’ll continue to write posts like this one, which are racist, of course, because they say they are. Then, finally, you’ll have a head-slapping epiphany – yes, you ARE a racist. And you’ll be quiet.

    Or not.

    Holder missed the boat on this one. Just put a photo of the candidate next to their name on the ballot. . . Oh, wait.

    • Karen Northon permalink
      October 22, 2009 7:03 am

      My take on the subject is based not on my personal feelings (which have no place in discussions of the law and policy), but rather, on the feedback of various non-profits, the verbiage of the Voting Rights Act (which I’m guessing you’ve never read), and a discussion with a former DOJ attorney.

      • Jack Hampton permalink
        October 23, 2009 5:15 am

        A discussion with a DOJ Atty? Did they read you your rights first?

    • Tom Trevor permalink
      October 22, 2009 2:39 pm

      This sounded sarcastic at first, but later on you get too close to what the racist liberals really do say.

  2. October 22, 2009 7:56 am

    Sorry, Karen. Clearly you didn’t get the sarcasm; it’s early for me. I’ll attempt to explain my point more directly.

    The point is you (or anyone who dares question DOJ motives in this and similar scenarios promoted by this Administration) may be (and of course, have been) accused of racism yourself for exposing it. This type of accusation can then go viral, creating a shift in others’ perception and possibly your own foundation. It takes strength and conviction to remain unaffected by this tactic.

    That you rightly identified the process (or my lousy rendition of it, whatever) as uninformed, hysterical nonsense is accurate, but beside the point because it is used so effectively and with ever-increasing frequency. Accusing someone of racism shuts down the possibility of open dialogue, and can silence a critic faster than any other diversionary tactic.

    Personal feelings do have their place in discussions of law and policy. Law and policy are derivatives designed not only to address inequities, but to strengthen constitutional precepts which are based upon ideals, and perhaps to a lesser extent, morals – which, of course, are most very personal. The more personal, the more convicted, as demonstrated by the scolding you administered to me.

    As far as I can see, there were errors of presumption on both our parts. I presumed you would recognize the progressive (pun?) nature of the tactic in my comment, but my words failed in conveyance. You, in turn, presumed that one of your readership is ill-informed and unread. We are certainly each more than entitled to do that at our own peril.

    • Karen Northon permalink
      October 22, 2009 11:33 am

      Sorry I missed the sarcasm. I broke my own First Rule of Blogging this morning –

      1. Do NOT go near keyboard before first cup of coffee.

      • October 22, 2009 4:53 pm

        So did I. Though I think the lesson here might be, don’t go near the keyboard AFTER your first five cups of coffee. 🙂

  3. October 22, 2009 8:08 am

    Sounds like something I need to talk about on my blog

  4. Sam Deakins permalink
    October 23, 2009 4:04 am

    “Never vote for a guy with the last name of Washington”. I think Aaron Burr came up with that slogan.

  5. Jack Hampton permalink
    October 23, 2009 5:17 am

    Truth be told Eric Holder should be investigated for that.

  6. Joseph White permalink
    October 23, 2009 6:32 am

    To be perfectly honest, the DOJ should have no say in the way that an election is handled, or be able to override an election that’s already been cast.

    It’s incredibly racist to say that Blacks are so stupid that they only way they know who to vote for, is to have the R or D on the ballot.

    The Justice Department’s decision is blatant in its racist, condescending assumptions that:

    * Black candidates are always Democrats;
    Not True, Alan Keyes has been a republican, and is now a libertarian, Colin Powell was a republican, Condelezza Rice was republican.

    * If black candidates are not labeled as Democrats on the ballot, whites will not vote for them;
    BS, I would have voted for Keyes, or Powell, and have voted for local blacks for offices.

    * If black candidates are not labeled as Democrats on the ballot, they stand little chance of being elected on their own merit;
    I think that people should be elected because of their own merit, not because of the R or D on the ballot.

    * Black voters always vote for Democrats; and,
    In this election, it might be true, but I’m betting that people are having buyers remorse.

    * If candidates are not labeled as Democrat or Republican, blacks won’t know who to vote for.
    I think Blacks are smarter than that.

  7. MaryAnn permalink
    October 23, 2009 8:32 am

    One hopes that black people will now realize how racist the dem party is, what they really think of black people, and how they have been used over the years.

  8. Jeff permalink
    October 23, 2009 11:54 am

    As a former resident of Kinston, I can tell you that it doesn’t make any difference what the ballot says a person’s party affiliation is.

    Most people in Kinston don’t know and probably don’t care who their city councilman or Schoolboard member is as long as it’s a person of a particular party. And that includes white and black.

    They probably vote straight ticket and never even look at the names anyway. That way they can get done quicker and get over to BoJangles or Kings BarBQ.

    The ones that do care….they already know who the people are anyway.

    People are making a big deal out of this acting like Eric Holder is personally involved. The AG has better things to do than worry about what so podunk town in Eastern NC is doing with their ballots. It was most likely just some staffer who got it and interpreted it that way.

    I am willing to bet that neither Eric Holder, nor Barack Obama have ever even heard of Kinston NC. I would be surprised that if they do hear about it, they pronounce it Kingston. LOL

    • swemson permalink
      October 23, 2009 3:52 pm

      Don’t kid yourself Jeff…

      BHO & his top advisors are watching over everything that comes out of the DOJ…

  9. KDK permalink
    October 23, 2009 12:35 pm

    This clown’s master is certainly looking more and more like the illegitimate son of Malcolm X. Seriously, he looks nothing like the supposed father obama. We know his ‘books’ are nothing more than fantasy, and his appointments are nothing short of idiotic and anti-constitutional (well, far worse).

    I would have voted for Keyes any day over the madman mccaine.

    Just my opinion.

  10. JCW permalink
    October 23, 2009 1:52 pm

    DOJ is nuts. Don’t you know that in a town this small, everyone knows everyone else?
    I live in a small North Carolina town and all our elections are non partisan. We wouldn’t have it any other way. There already is enough dissention among candidates without having R,D,I tacked on their name. Anyway a person with an R behind his name would be run out of town on a rail. Unfortuate but true.

  11. Joseph White permalink
    October 23, 2009 3:49 pm

    Just in case you didn’t know, the DOJ looking over ballots and results from some states, has been done since after the civil war. Most states that were once part of the confederacy, had to have their elections checked by the federal government during the reconstruction. Unfortunately, those laws have never been repealed, which allows the DOJ to check election returns.

    Maybe it’s time for this to stop.

  12. October 23, 2009 4:51 pm

    Is it possible that the voters can only read the letter D and nothing else? This would explain the AG’s concerns.

  13. Bobb permalink
    October 24, 2009 8:30 am

    I don’t think too many people could challange the statement “The majority of voters in this Country vote straight ticket” nor the fact that the overwhelming number of minority voters vote for people of their race. Its a fact, and this last election could not have sent that message more clearly.
    Its my belief that the overwhelming majority of voters don’t have a clue about the people they vote for, they just want to know if he or she is Democrat or Republican. We are a point in time when this is the most dangerous thing we can be doing, as can be noted by the last election.
    This Country is more polorized now than it has been in decades, and I say that is a good thing. At least their are still people who have the guts to oppose what is turning out to be a disaster for the future of this Nation.
    Also, I could care less about who agrees or disagrees with this comment.If you are like me and can’t travel, but want to make a difference and be heard, email YOUR elected and appointed local, state, and Federal officials for FREE and as often as you want. Don’t waste your time with the left wing garbage you see on these boards, they are people who don’t have a clue, refuse to acknowledge facts, and are totally selective about what they want to hear, see, and discuss. Go to Let them know in no uncertain terms, NO to Obamacare, Thoroughly Investigate Acorn, No Amnesty for Illegals, No Cap and Tax (Global Warming Sham), STOP the attacks on our own CIA, investigate the socialist and communist CZARS, support our troops and win this damn war in Afghanistan and quit making it a political issue, and STOP the incredible string of lies. If you like the site, pass it on.

    If you want to get the truth about what is going on in Government with all of the illegal immigration issues from a website that publishes well researched facts, go to This website also allows you to send FREE emails to YOUR state, and federal elected and appointed officials, including the President. If you like the website, use it and pass it on to your friends.

  14. Bobb permalink
    October 24, 2009 8:33 am

    If you are like me and can’t travel, but want to make a difference and be heard, email YOUR elected and appointed local, state, and Federal officials for FREE and as often as you want. Don’t waste your time with the left wing garbage you see on these boards, they are people who don’t have a clue, refuse to acknowledge facts, and are totally selective about what they want to hear, see, and discuss. Go to Let them know in no uncertain terms, NO to Obamacare, Thoroughly Investigate Acorn, No Amnesty for Illegals, No Cap and Tax (Global Warming Sham), STOP the attacks on our own CIA, investigate the socialist and communist CZARS, support our troops and win this damn war in Afghanistan and quit making it a political issue, and STOP the incredible string of lies. If you like the site, pass it on.

    If you want to get the truth about what is going on in Government with all of the illegal immigration issues from a website that publishes well researched facts, go to This website also allows you to send FREE emails to YOUR state, and federal elected and appointed officials, including the President. If you like the website, use it and pass it on to your friends.


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