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An Appeal to Brigitte Gabriel to Withdraw her Campaign to Ban the Muslim Students Association

March 2, 2011

An ally in the struggle against Islamo-fascism, Act for America, which is led by a courageous woman, Brigitte Gabriel, has launched a misguided campaign to combat the malign influence of the Muslim Student Association on campus. The campaign calls for the banning of the Muslim Students Association.

As documented by the Investigative Project and by our publication The Muslim Students Association and the Muslim Brotherhood, and by our profile page in, the Muslim Students Association  is a creation of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is a sister organization of the terrorist group Hamas. It is conducting an on campus campaign whose goal is to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state so that Hamas can destroy it and push the Jews into the sea. But Act for America has decided to oppose the MSA not with arguments, not by exposing its monstrous lies and evil intentions, but by banning it as a campus group, by denying its members their First Amendment  rights to assembly and free speech. We at the David Horowitz Freedom Center are unequivocally and unalterably opposed to this petition and its demand.

There is no greater or more important bulwark against totalitarianism — and therefore against Shari’a and the Islamo-fascist jihad than our First Amendment freedoms. The chief agenda of the Islamists is to ban any criticism of their totalitarian agendas and terrorist methods by calling it blasphemy, hate speech, and offensive to Muslims. That is what the prosecution of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands is about; that is what the UN resolution banning speech that is offensive to Muslims is about.

Right now we at the Center are attempting to combat the genocidal campus campaign of the Muslim Brotherhood to label Israel an “apartheid state” with a counter-campaign to put up the “Palestinian Wall of Lies.” The Palestinian Wall of Lies exposes their historical fabrications and present-day slanders. It is an argument not an appeal to authority to shut them down. On the contrary, it is they and their progressive allies who are attempting to shut us down. Through a campaign of intimidation by calling any student who challenges them “racist” or “Islamophobe,” the left is attempting to prevent students from supporting our campaign and thereby preventing us from having access to campus to put up our wall. We have submitted an ad to campus newspapers containing the wall of lies. Of the five school papers to whom we submitted the ad so far four rejected it on the grounds that it would “offend certain religious and ethnic groups.” No specifics were given except that we could not refer to a group like “Arabs” or “Palestinians” as a group even though the ad was about the war conducted against the Jews by Arabs and Palestinians and even though one hundred percent of Palestinians have voted for one of two terrorist groups — the PLO and Hamas). Even the fifth paper, which printed the ad — the UCLA Daily Bruin—  required us to reword passages to avoid the use of the terms”Arabs” and “Palestinianas” and said we could not refer to the goals of Hamas and the PLO as “genocidal” even though they are. Of course, no such injunction against offending religious and ethnic groups applies to Jews or Christians or Israelis or Americans.

The frontline battle against Islamic totalitarianism is the battle to defend First Amendment — the right of assembly and free speech. Yes, these rights are regularly abused by Islamic totalitarians and their “civil rights organizations” like CAIR (a creature of the Muslim Brotherhood and a sister organization to the MSA and Hamas) just as they were by Communist totalitarians during the Cold War. This is a vulnerability of free societies — that they give rights to those whose goal is to destroy those rights — but it is a vulnerability we must deal with by combatting them through vigorous argument and by exposing their lies. What we must not do is abandon the very rights that keep us free. I implore Brigitte Gabriel and Act for America to withdraw this petition to ban the MSA and give up this misguided campaign.

Columbia’s Hate America Leftists Bark At A War Hero

February 21, 2011


Anthony Maschek is an American war hero, wounded 11 times in a firefight in northern Iraq. At  townhall meeting at Columbia University to discuss whether ROTC should be part of the university program, Maschek was greeted by boos and cries of “racist” when he said that whatever opponents of the war might think of it, there were people out there who wanted to kill them.  Maschek was being to generous to his attackers. What they think about the war is that we are the enemy. That’s why they don’t want the U.S. military on campus. On FoxNews reporting this disgrace, a properly horrified Megan Kelly said that Columbia’s leftists had a right to their opinion but should have respected a man who risked his life to protect them. Kelly is correct but also too generous. Since it is their opinion that America is the enemy, then Sgt. Maschek is a war criminal and deserves no respect. The unnamed culprits in this sordid display are Columbia’s president Lee Bollinger and the Columbia faculty who have encouraged these anti-American activists by taking their views seriously. Child rapists are also entitled to their opinions under our Constitution, but no decent person respects them. There is a domestic war going on this country and the problem we face is that only the hate America left is fighting it as though it were a war. It’s time for patriotic Americans — Americans who love their country despite its warts — to stand up for heroes like Sgt Maschek, and to confront Americans who have chosen to betray their country in the face of a mortal foe for what they are.

Defending Our Republic: Reforming Our Universities

November 21, 2010

David Horowitz’s latest book, Reforming Our Universities, is above all a clarion call to action on the part of all who believe in the founding principles of the United States of America and wish to preserve it as founded.  That is to say that there are forces intent on transforming the U.S. into a European socialist-style nation, and that one of the most effective weapons in their arsenal is not just the domination of liberal arts faculties at American universities by leftist ideologues, but the way in which these professors often brazenly indoctrinate students into their belief systems without fear of reprisal by their administrators. Read more… – Some Democrats Fear Backlash Over Obama’s Handling of Immigration

July 7, 2010

Some Democrats Fear Backlash Over Obama’s Handling of Immigration

By Carl Cameron

Published July 07, 2010

Some Democrats, even in Arizona, are fearing an election backlash over immigration, as President Obama sues Arizona over its new immigration enforcement law and pushes Congress to pass a comprehensive immigration overhaul.

“My concern is that the federal government is suing the state of Arizona, ironically, over the ability to enforce immigration laws — where if the federal government had been doing its job over the years, we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place,” Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., said.

Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, the Democratic nominee for governor, urged the Obama administration to back off Arizona’s new law, which allows state and local authorities to ask people for immigration documents during unrelated enforcement encounters – such as traffic stops.

The president appears to be out of step with public opinion on immigration. The latest Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll shows 2-to-1 support nationwide for Arizona’s law, including 73 percent of Republicans, 57 percent of independents and one out of three Democrats.

via – Some Democrats Fear Backlash Over Obama’s Handling of Immigration.

This is the Old NewsReal Site, BTW

January 22, 2010

If you’re seeing this then you’re at the old NewsReal site. We upgraded a few months back and new content can be read at the far-superior new site here.

The Progressives’ 100 Year Plan To End America

January 11, 2010

With their imported Marxist-based ideas, progressives set about trying to destroy the American experiment in limited government a century ago, Glenn Beck said on his TV program.

Progressives set a “100-year time bomb” in the early 1900s “and only the real elite recognized it,” Beck said.

After progressive policy initiatives such as Prohibition and the federal income tax became immensely unpopular, progressives learned to use manipulation and subterfuge to advance their freedom-hating, un-American policies. Led by Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, progressives learned how to use the media, centers of higher education and law schools to transform America slowly.

Progressives prefer not to have open debates with the American public because when such discussions take place, progressives usually lose the argument. They would rather impose their agenda by fiat, whether through the courts or the executive branch.

The progressive approach hasn’t varied a lot since the so-called Progressive Era, Beck said:

The progressive tactics haven’t changed much since then either: Build a structure; make it so complex that the people don’t understand it; avoid debate and most importantly, silence dissent. And, if that doesn’t work, bribe them, indoctrinate them. But if that still doesn’t work: Destroy them.

We see this at work in the tactics of Saul Alinsky, who said: “The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work.”

Beck reflects, correctly, “They know they can’t bribe me, silence me or indoctrinate me, so they know they have to destroy me.” 

Sometimes the left doesn’t even try to hide its plans for America. Marxist university professors Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, who deserve special recognition for their contribution to the nation’s ongoing decline, devised the Cloward-Piven Strategy of orchestrated crisis, which they spelled out in “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty,” published in the Nation magazine in 1966. The strategy called for aggressively recruiting poor Americans onto the nation’s welfare rolls in an effort to overwhelm governments. The theory was that imposing such impossible burdens would force radical change upon society.

Sometimes the left goofs up, leaving valuable strategic information in public places. A document titled “National Progressive and Party Infrastructure,” which purports to be based on a presentation by Rob Stein, founder of the George Soros-led Democracy Alliance and Maren Hesla, the director of WOMEN VOTE!, at abortion group EMILY’s List, offers new information on how the left is trying to create a permanent left-wing political infrastructure throughout the nation.

The Left Feels Sold Out By President Obama: Is Violence Coming?

December 23, 2009


The left is starting to believe President Obama is a “poser,” Glenn Beck said on his TV show.

In their view, he has failed to achieve many of his campaign promises. He dropped the so-called public option from his healthcare legislation which is “the progressives’ ultimate prize.” Said Beck: 

As the concessions are being made and this bill gets stripped down, the only thing left is a mandate to buy insurance, a giant boon, they’ll say, to those evil big insurance companies. That’s not exactly what the left had in mind, not Democrats — the left, and they are coming out in force against it. Arianna Huffington daily calls Howard Dean — Howard Dean I just told you said the whole bill should be killed entirely, so what’s happening here?

Obama has also failed to lift the ban on gays serving openly in the military. He hasn’t shut down the prison for Islamist terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. He is continuing a crackdown on illegal immigrants and he hasn’t pushed for a windfall profit tax on oil companies, Beck said. 

Even far-left writer and conspiracy theorist Naomi Klein has turned on Obama, calling him more or less a corporate stooge.

Obama has got to get things done for the left or they will turn on him ferociously, Beck said.

Meanwhile, violent leftists in Europe are causing civil unrest, Beck noted. He played a segment from Neil Cavuto’s show in which global warming skeptic and filmmaker Phelim McAleer was being interviewed live from the climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. While McAleer spoke he was pelted with rotten vegetables thrown by eco-leftists.

In Europe, Beck said, “they have been trying to achieve their socialist utopia for decades. How is that working out for them?” Beck noted that rioters are burning cars in France and there have been hundreds of arrests in Greece. Italy’s prime minister just got put in the hospital after a man threw a heavy object at his face.

Leftists may start causing civil unrest in America too, Beck suggested noting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) warned in September that the heated political climate in the country could lead to political violence. “I saw,” she said, choking up, “I saw this myself in the late seventies in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric was very frightening and it gave–it created a climate in which violence took place.”

Of course, Pelosi left out the fact that the violence of which she spoke was caused by her comrades.

Leftists Don’t Care What the Constitution Says

December 22, 2009

Liberals have long viewed the Constitution as a quaint anachronism to be overcome. Now that they’re in power in Washington, they’re trying to do an end run around it.

Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, says the left-wing Big Government crowd in Washington doesn’t recognize the limitations on the government’s powers that are provided for in the Constitution.

They view this as a grant of the ability of the government to act not as government but rather as king and that’s not the way our constitutional republic is set up. The way it works in the United States is it’s a limited federal government. That’s what the Constitution outlines, very clearly.  And this idea that the federal government can come in and mandate acquisition of insurance or frankly this entire program violates a number of constitutional provisions, but, judge, it points to something else…[ObamaCare supporters in Congress] don’t care what the Constitution says in this regard. What they think is they’re the government and they know best.

When pressed, ObamaCare supporters on Capitol Hill can’t explain what part of the Constitution of the United States of America authorizes the federal government to force Americans to buy health insurance.

Glenn Beck’s substitute host Judge Andrew Napolitano played an audio recording of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ridiculing the questioner. When asked, “Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?” she replied, “Are you serious? Are you serious?”

A requirement to purchase health insurance is plainly unconstitutional.

Legal thinkers David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey have also argued that “The Constitution assigns only limited, enumerated powers to Congress and none, including the power to regulate interstate commerce or to impose taxes, would support a federal mandate requiring anyone who is otherwise without health insurance to buy it.”

Such a requirement, which would give the IRS the power to go after people who refuse to purchase insurance, is also massively unpopular among the American people. Lawmakers know this. That’s one of the reasons they’ve been insisting on huge home state bribes in order to vote for it. They hope that the pork and special legislative favors they bring home to their states will help the public forgive them for supporting this monstrosity.

Horse-trading away America’s future, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), whose support for this measure could lead to his electoral defeat in his conservative home state in 2012, insisted on $100 million extra for Medicaid for Nebraska. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) cut a deal to exempt 800,000 seniors in Florida from possible benefit cuts by private Medicare Advantage plans.

Obama’s Fascist Healthcare Takeover Passes Senate

December 21, 2009

In the dead of night, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who seems unaware that he is currently enjoying his final term in the U.S. Senate, mustered the 60 votes he needed to ram ObamaCare through his chamber. Approval of the cloture motion allows the legislation to move forward for a final debate and vote later this week.

The current iteration of ObamaCare is classic Mussolini-style Fascism (i.e. corporatism). It forces Americans at gunpoint to purchase health insurance, a requirement never before imposed on the American people. The big insurance companies and the federal government have combined to subject the public to this tyrannical mandate that Americans overwhelmingly oppose. This is the economic essence of Fascism.

Shame on them on all.

Nonetheless, William Kristol of the Weekly Standard offers some words of encouragement to the patriotic Americans who still believe in limited government.

Keep fighting on health care. Fight for the next few days in the Senate. Fight the conference report in January in the Senate and the House. Start trying to repeal the worst parts of the bill the moment it passes, if it does.

After all, never before has so unpopular a piece of major legislation been jammed through on a party-line vote. This week, Rasmussen showed 57% of voters nationwide saying that it would be better to pass no health care reform bill this year instead of passing the plan currently being considered by Congress, with only 34% favoring passing that bill. 54% of Americans now believe they will be worse off if reform passes, while just 25% believe they’ll be better off. Making the 2010 elections a referendum on health care should work–if Republicans don’t let up in the debate over the next year.

Indeed ObamaCare may be the Democrats’ undoing. They are betting everything on their healthcare plan, which won’t kick in for years to come. A public backlash before then could halt the program in its tracks and kill it, leading to a Bastille Day-like slaughter at the polls for the Democratic powers that be. Keep your fingers crossed.

Of course, it would be better to abort this statist monstrosity while in the womb, but the beauty of politics is that the fight is never really over. There will be more battles to come.

As Kristol writes, “Fight on with respect to health care. Fight on other fronts. And recruit new fighters. In a word: Fight. ”

Meanwhile, Rep. Pete DeFazio (D-Ore.), a socialist lawmaker who belongs to the radical Congressional Progressive Caucus, explained why he hates wealthy people.

From a report in The Hill:

He gives partial credit for his special brand of liberalism to having worked at a country club as a teenager. Each summer, his father ran a camp for troubled inner-city kids on Cape Cod, where they caddied for golfers at a country club. DeFazio would work alongside the kids.

“They were servants for the rich, as was I,” he said. “I shagged golf balls for rich people. I carried golf clubs for rich people, and I learned very early on, when I was pretty young, that this was a group of people that had nothing special to offer to me or to society.”

With DeFazio, it’s personal. It’s pure Marxist, class consciousness-based hatred.

Does this mean his values and personality are so malleable that if he’d a different job growing up he’d be a free market-loving libertarian?

Zinn’s Ahistorical Anti-American Movie Cheers On Community Organizers

December 14, 2009

Howard Zinn (left) with the very serious-looking actor Viggo Mortensen

The small-screen version of Marxist historian Howard Zinn‘s leftward-slanted history of America, The People Speak, aired Sunday night on the History Channel.

The film, based on Zinn’s influential book, A People’s History of the United States,  is chock full of useful idiot celebrities including Matt Damon, Marisa Tomei, Morgan Freeman, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Penn, Bruce Springsteen, and its executive producer Josh Brolin, all parroting the radical platitudes written for them.

One scene in the shlockumentary tells the story of an organizer-agitator who rallied tenants against landlords during the Great Depression. In the current recession, “We’ve seen examples of people rebelling,” said Zinn. “We’ve seen tenants rebelling against foreclosures. This is the kind of thing that happened in a much larger scale in the 1930s.”

Added Zinn, “If this spreads — the idea of fighting foreclosures, the idea of workers going on strike — it’s possible this can lead into a larger movement for economic justice.”

This is what the radical community organizers of ACORN do. ACORN is about causing upheaval that will ignite social change. The group cares little about abstractions about justice: it is focused on revolution.

Through its support for the financial affirmative action program known as the Community Reinvestment Act, ACORN has played a major role in the subprime mortgage mess that has undermined Americans’ support for free market problem-solving and set off a worldwide chain of financial troubles. It is also implicated in vote fraud schemes from coast to coast. ACORN aims to give America change that socialists can believe in – by any means necessary.

And now Congress is poised to begin funding the advocacy group-cum-organized crime syndicate again.

Last week the House Appropriations Committee rejected on a party line vote an amendment that would have blocked federal funding of the radical advocacy group. The amendment was needed because the Obama administration thumbed its nose at a provision in spending legislation that banned ACORN funding until Dec. 18.

In a ruling revealed late last month by the Justice Department the Obama administration invented a loophole allowing the government to continue funding the president’s friends at ACORN. Through the magic of legal interpretation, the language forbidding funding the group was transformed into a requirement not “to refuse payment on binding contractual obligations that predate” the original funding ban. U.S. District Judge Nina Gershon, a Bill Clinton appointee, helped ACORN out by offering the Obama administration political cover by issuing a temporary injunction prohibiting Congress from cutting off funding for ACORN.

The bottom line is that the ACORN funding language –rendered useless by the Justice Department– remains in the massive fiscal 2010 spending measure now on its way to President Obama for his signature.

The Obama administration’s bailout of ACORN may help keep the financially distressed group that had been considering filing bankruptcy before Christmas open for business.

The bailout should be music to the ears of Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), a huge fan of ACORN who has given thousands of dollars over the years to the ACORN network. Nadler urged ACORN’s lawyer to sue the government, arguing that a ban on funding constituted a “bill of attainder.” Within weeks, ACORN took his advice.

Palin, Polar Bears and Cheap-Shots: How the Left Ignores the Economy, Fraud and Facts in Persuit of Their Agenda-Driven Science

December 11, 2009

After Copenhagen, polar bears won't be the only ones on thin ice

In spite of Climate-gate that has, at the very least, brought reasonable doubt to the validity and motives behind the theory of global warming, more has been reported about Tiger Wood’s sex life than the impact the “success” of Copenhagen will have on the economy.

In an op-ed piece in The Washing Post written by Sarah Palin, the former Governor of Alaska, made the point:

“The agenda–driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won’t change the weather, but they would change our economy for the worst.”

Chris Matthews host of MSNBC’s Hardball told his guests Chrystia Freeland, Financial Times and Eugene Robinson, of The Washington Post Palin’s concern for the economic impact was nothing more than a “cheap shot” and continued to ignore the facts.

Read more…

Is Climategate The Last Gasp of Global Warming Hysteria?

December 7, 2009

As the Climategate scandal continues to unfold, it appears the final chapter is being written in the great anthropogenic global warming swindle pushed so vigorously and for so long by the world’s leading climate change hoax-perpetrator, former Vice President Al Gore. The scandal is a case of “scientists cooking the books, changing the research, changing the numbers, changing the actual temperatures, discrediting people in e-mails, saying how do we discredit them, how do we make them go away, et cetera, et cetera,” said Glenn Beck.

The so-called scientific consensus that Gore and a generation of true believers promoted has been gradually disintegrating for years but news that the key scientists involved in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have been falsifying data has accelerated the process. Yet some in the media, even some of those journalists supposedly on the right, still don’t get it and continue to cling to their faith in the anthropogenic global warming religion. Shame on them.

The high water mark for Gore’s fantasy must have been 2007 when he and the now-disgraced IPCC were jointly awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for their commitment to saving the human race from itself. The award came on the heels of Gore’s surprise hit of a movie, An Inconvenient Truth.

“For years, anyone who criticized global warming was accused of being bought and paid for by the polluting industry and whatnot, while these enlightened, objective scientists, you know, were beyond reproach,” author Jonah Goldberg said on Glenn Beck’s TV show.

No wonder Al Gore’s been terrified of publicly debating the science of global warming and climate change. He’s got billions of dollars in potential personal worth on the line. Surely he knew long ago that the science wasn’t there.

NewsReal Looks at the World: This Week, Iran

December 7, 2009
Dr. Ramin Pourandarjani

Dr. Ramin Pourandarjani, murdered for speaking out against Iranian government brutality

When spontaneous street demonstrations broke out following the fraudulent Iranian presidential election last June, the Mullahs lost no time in unleashing the security forces and their allied militias upon the protesters. Scores were killed, and images of the carnage made the rounds of YouTube and other outlets.

The demonstrations were crushed. Hundreds of protesters and opposition activists were taken into custody in the brutal crackdown that followed, and the Western media soon lost interest in the story. For those (mostly young people) now in custody, however, their nightmare was just about to begin. Read more…

NewsReal Sunday: O’Reilly’s Attack on Atheists Doesn’t Do Jesus Any Favors

December 6, 2009

What is your favorite annual Christmas tradition?  I think Bill O’Reilly’s is battling it out with supposed Christmas haters in the secular battle ground of the holiday season. It’s that time of year again: War on Christmas time.

“Why believe in a god?  Just be good for goodness sake.” That is the message of the American Humanist Association’s (AHA) ad campaign on buses in some cities in America.  And those two questions really bother O’Reilly. Read more…

From the Pen of David Horowitz: December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009


If Allah is the maker of life, as Mohammed Atta believed, could He desire the destruction of what he had created? What is suicide but rage at the living, and contempt for the life left behind? Mohammed Atta offered his deed of destruction as a gift to God. In his eyes, his martyrdom was unselfish and the strangers he killed were not innocent. His mission was to purge the world of wasteful pleasures, to vanquish the guilty and to implement God’s grace.But if God wanted to cleanse His creation, why would He need Mohammed Atta to accomplish His will? Read more…

ClimateGate: Data Fraud is the Method, Statism is the Goal

December 5, 2009

With ClimateGate broken wide open, you knew it was only a matter of time before Congress’ leading crusader against global-warming alarmism, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), entered the fray.  Last night on Fox, he and Sean Hannity had an interesting discussion about the scandal…but it could have been better if Hannity had let his guest make the point he was trying to make.

Read more…

Progressive Alaska Lies about NewsReal, Andrew Sullivan Reprints; Surprise Bonus: The Revival of Trig Birtherism to Disgrace the Left

December 5, 2009

New Rule: Birthers are not allowed to condemn Andrew Sullivan and others for their obsession with whether Sarah Palin was really Trig's mom.

I just posted an update on my post defending Sarah Palin from the Left’s attack on her as a birther:

Update 12/5/09, 4:25 PM EST: This post was mentioned and linked at Progressive Alaska and then reprinted at Andrew Sullivan’s blog. The Progressive Alaska blog had two lies about this post and one pathetic typo which was correct in the Daily Dish reprint:

David Horowitx, excoriating Sullivan, fails to mention Palin’s lie.

First, Horowitz didn’t write this post, I did. My byline is at the top and anyone who has ever read a Horowitz article would not mistake my writing for his. Second, as can be seen clearly above, I in no way “excoriated” Sullivan by predicting what has in fact happened. Palin has clarified her poorly chosen words to demonstrate conclusively that she is not a birther. She does not believe Obama is ineligible to be president and does not support the Birther Movement’s efforts. Yet Sullivan shoulders on with the Palin-is-a-Birther meme because he detests her so much. Read more…

Has The Fascist Campus Left Reached a New Low? Did an Arsonist Disrupt Anti-Jihad Activist Nonie Darwish’s Speech?

December 5, 2009

Nonie Darwish has now set a new record for the most intense reaction yet from those seeking to silence dissent on campus.

NewsReal has previously documented the attempts by the fascist campus Left to suppress free speech and disrupt those who dare to confront Islamic extremism. The attempt to silence Geert Wilders is only one of many examples.

David Horowitz has written in numerous books about the treatment he’s received on campus by activists trying to prevent him from speaking.

(Three years ago when David and I first met when he gave a speech at my alma mater, Ball State University, he was attacked with a pie, 50 pizzas were ordered in his name, and a huge “Horowitz not Welcome” sign was projected.)

This is really a new low, though. Read more…

Lunch Break

December 5, 2009

Lunch Break is NewsReal’s daily apolitical post. (We all need a break from this political stuff every now and then!) When commenting on Lunch Break posts do not start political, religious, or philosophical debates. In fact from now on any serious debating comments on Lunch Break posts will be deleted. You’ve got all of NewsReal’s other posts to get argumentative, lets keep this one pure. (Humorous debates about meaningless subjects are permitted.) Read more…

Smarmy Sanchez: Hides Facts in Support of Ventura’s Immigration Stance

December 5, 2009

Sanchez will stand by anyone who agrees with him on immigration - even this guy.

I can’t figure out if CNN’s Rick Sanchez repeatedly gets his facts wrong because of a biased agenda or because he’s just an inept journalist.  I really think it is both.  His Leftism sometimes leads Sanchez to ignore seeking facts (think fake racist Rush quotes,) but sometimes he simply hides the facts to promote his own views.

This past week former professional wrestler and former Minnesota Governor Jesse “The Body” Ventura made the media rounds to promote a new television show he is hosting.  The show is about conspiracy theories and Ventura, who is a 9-11 Truther, was an obvious choice for host. Ventura, in an attempt to gain viewers, has made  loony left conspiracy claims on Afghanistan, 9-11, and immigration to any show that would listen. Read more…

And the most persecuted ethnic group in America is….

December 5, 2009

Liberal hand-wringing over the Muslim traitor Major Hasan and Islamo-fascists generally out of fear of alleged reprisals against law-abiding Muslims is the flip side of their tolerance for the genocidal crusade against the Jews emanating from the Muslim world and abetted by the American left:


The East Anglia Revelations Have Not Changed My Mind, Part 2

December 5, 2009

Perhaps not the most trustworthy advocate?

Editor’s Note: Please read part 1 here which explains some of the scientific reasons which the author does not agree with the global warming theory. In this second part he explains the heuristic reasons for not embracing the idea.

The term “heuristic” is used here as an intuitive judgment based on experiences. It’s the kind of thinking that says “when I see x, y typically follows.” When a policy message and the messenger have a self interested and/or anti-free market, anti-capitalism, and anti-American underpinning, I immediately become a skeptic. Here are several reasons why I “heuristically” disagree with the global warming hypothesis.

The left warned against global cooling in the 60’s and 70’s using the same “apocalypse soon” rhetoric we have today. Paul Ehrlich was the James Hansen of his day. When one reads the (increasingly left wing) Wikipedia entry on Ehrlich, we see revisionist interpretations. You see, his position was never “really” considered scientifically sound. He famously bet free-markets philosopher Julian Simon that commodity prices would be higher in 20 years than in 1980. He believed mankind was pillaging the earth and we were “running out” of resources. He was famously wrong. He now believes in global warming. Read more…

From the Pen of David Horowitz: December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009

david_pThe continuing efforts of a fringe group of conservatives to deny Obama his victory and to lay the basis for the claim that he is not a legitimate president are embarrassing and destructive. The fact that these efforts are being led by Alan Keyes, a demagogue who lost a Senate election to the then-unknown Obama by 42 points, should be a warning in itself.

This tempest over whether Obama, the child of an American citizen, was born on American soil is tantamount to the Democrats’ seditious claim that Bush “stole” the election in Florida and hence was not the legitimate president. This delusion helped to create the Democrats’ Bush derangement syndrome and encouraged Democratic leaders to lie about the origins of the Iraq war, and regard it as illegitimate as Bush himself. It became “Bush’s War” rather than an American War — with destructive consequences for our troops and our cause. Read more…

The How-to-Destroy-Jobs Summit: Starring Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm

December 4, 2009

As if the winter of 2008-09 wasn’t harsh enough (despite all that global warming we were promised when Bush was elected) an additional chill ran through the state of Michigan when we saw our Governor, Jennifer Granholm, in the background of nearly every camera shot as .  Barack Obama assembled his economic team.

It’s not news, that in the liberal mindset, failure gets you attention, and being the biggest failure makes you an expert, as long as you are doctrinaire.  This merits fawing statements from MSM reporters like, “Nobody knows better than you…” blah blah blah.

Case in point, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, a train-wreck of an administrator whose main talent is emoting on camera.

No state in the nation has lost jobs at the rate Michigan has, and only California edges us out as a state government fiscal disaster.  But state government keeps growing in Michigan, creating jobs for government unions.

And therein lies Obama’s fascination with Granholm.   Jenny is at the “Jobs Summit,” SEIU is there, the Chamber and the NFIB are not.  Barack Obama has something he desperately wants to learn from Jennifer Granholm:

How do you raise taxes in a recession, add government union jobs while destroying the private sector economy—and still win elections for your Party?

And Andrea Mitchell of NBC News is a more than willing accomplice; asking not one tough or pointed question of the governor of the state with the nation’s worst-performing economy.   You’d never know Granholm is at the end of a disastrous 8 year two term tenure.  Mitchell gives not one indication that Granholm has ANYTHING to do with Michigan’s problems. Read more…