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Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me

August 16, 2009


Glenn Beck will be on vacation this week but when he returns on the 24th he has invited me to come to New York to talk to him on camera about Saul Alinsky, the strategy guru of the Obama era. For the the Hillary-Soros generation of johnny-come-lately radicals and their ACORN footsoldiers,  Alinksy is their Sun-Tzu and his book Rules for Radicals is the field manual  for their struggle. I thought while I’m refreshing my acquaintance with this destructive fellow and re-reading his text, I would share my thoughts with you, serially over the next week.

For this first post, let’s just focus on the dedication of the book — to Satan:

“Lest we forget, an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical:” (Pause there for second. Now continue): “from all our legends, mythology, and history(and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

So Alinsky begins by telling readers what a radical is. He is not a reformer of the system but its would-be destroyer. This is something that in my experience conservatives have a very hard time understanding. Conservatives are altogether too decent, too civilized to match up adequately, at least in the initital stages of the battle, with their adversaries. They are too prone to give them the benefit of the doubt. They assume that radicals can’t really want to destroy a society that is democratic and liberal and has brought wealth and prosperity to so many. Oh yes they can. That is in fact the essence of what it means to be a radical — to be willing to destroy the values, structures and institutions that sustain the society we live in. Marx himself famously cited Alinsky’s first rebel (using another of his names — Mephistopheles): “Everything that exists deserves to perish.”

This is why ACORN activists, for example, have such contempt for the election process, why they are so willing to commit election fraud. Because just as Lucifer didn’t believe in God’s kingdom, so the radicals who run ACORN don’t believe in the democratic system. To them it is itself a fraud — an instrument of the ruling class, or as Alinsky prefers to call it, of the Haves. If the electoral system doesn’t serve all of us, but is only an instrument of the Haves, then election fraud is justified because it is a means of creating a system that serves the Have-Nots — social justice.  Until conservatives begin to understand exactly what drives radicals and how dishonest they are — dishonest in the their core — it is going to be very hard to defend the system that is under attack. For radicals the noble end — creating a new heaven on earth — justifies any means. And if one actually believed it was possible to create heaven on earth, would he not willingly destroy any system hitherto created by human beings?

The many names of Satan, by the way, are also a model for radicals who camouflage their agendas by alternatively calling themselves Communists, socialists, new leftists, liberals and most consistently progressives. My parents, who were card-carrying Communists, never referred to themselves as Communists but always as “progressives.” The Progressive Party was run by the Communist Party and split off from the Democrats in 1948 (because Harry Truman opposed Stalin), but rejoined the Democrats in the McGovern campaign of 1972 and with the ascension of Barack Obama has become the Democratic Party.

Alinsky’s tribute to Satan as the first radical, and as the model of radicals to come, should cause us to reflect on how Satan tempted Adam and Eve to destroy their paradise. If you rebel and violate the law that has been laid down for you, “You shall be as gods” the serpent told them.  You think Rahm Emmanuel was listening?

Oh, and let’s not forget this — the kingdom that the first radical “won” was hell.

Hell on Earth: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part II

Boring From Within: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part III

To Have And Have Not: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part IV

Post-modern leftism: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part V

Means and Ends: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part VI

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  1. Highball permalink
    August 16, 2009 11:40 am

    Why can’t they teach David Horowitz’s writings in the high school and college curricula? Do we need Chomsky and Zinn and their minions to sell us out to the Devil? The Politics of Bad Faith should win David the Presidental Medal of Freedom without question for one who has battled through Hell and back, literally. The recipients Obama has chosen defy their radical creed. I’m tired of reading every day about Hugo Chavez’s revolutionary cadre and socialist vanguard stripping its society of the blood of freedom. I for one will welcome David’s commentary anytime, anywhere, and anyhow it shines light on the dark forces this country and the world are up against.

  2. RKV permalink
    August 16, 2009 12:26 pm

    To quote Calvin Coolidge, “If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.”

    Progressives (aka socialists) aren’t. Americans need to be reminded of their core values and why they are superior to the ersatz-Utopian nonsense being peddled by the left. Communism/socialism has killed millions and impoverished millions more – their proven track record leads to more social injustice, not less.

  3. August 16, 2009 1:20 pm

    Thank You David for all you have done since you came over from the dark side.

  4. Shari permalink
    August 16, 2009 4:37 pm

    Mr. Horowitz, thank you. Please show us how to talk to idealistic young ones who follow the cookie crumbs believing that it is all about social justice, peace and love…

  5. cynthia permalink
    August 17, 2009 1:57 am

    Thank you Mr.Horowitz for all you do for us. This is a fight we conservatives have to continue.They will never give up.

  6. August 17, 2009 8:07 am

    David: May God bless you mightily. I am a 70s model hippy. Ex hippy. Your insight on these people is something that no one can rationally deny. Thank you sir.

    One of my dreams is to someday be able to meet you and shake your hand and tell you personally how much I appreciate you and your work.

    God Bless You.

    Chuck Raines

  7. August 17, 2009 9:34 pm

    Loved it. It scared me a bit though. I told my husband today, “I feel like we are fighting something bigger than I realize. You know, like principalities and kingdoms.” He knew I meant Satan’s minions. Your article kind of drove that home for me today. WOW. Unbelievable, and yet completely believable. a 9.12 Project

  8. Robert permalink
    August 17, 2009 11:03 pm

    This is why I have been a stalwart supporter of Frontpage Magazine, David Horowitz and Discover the Networks. All one has to do is go back to the writings of these people in the 30’s 40’s and 50’s to understand that America is truly under attack by people who have embedded themselves deeply into her fabric, and they are eating America from the inside out. With the election of Obama and his installation of the “Networks” into cabinet positions and power Czars, they are now on a full court press.
    I hope that everyone will throw their financial support and extra funds into what David Horowitz is doing to make sure that his efforts do not fail in getting the word out to our fellow Americans.
    David, please keep up the great work!

  9. August 18, 2009 7:42 am

    Great job David! I myself have been trying to discover the nature of liberals, and think I’m making some progress- see for more information. You’re right though- conservatives are too decent and don’t understand how truly different liberals are. I’m not talking about moderates and independents- they aren’t driving the debate right now- I’m talking about your devoted liberals like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. We need to understand them in order to set society on the right path again.

  10. Fritz Becker permalink
    August 18, 2009 7:26 pm

    I was watching TCM one night (Turner Classic Movies) and caught a documentary produced by MGM around 1953, it was called “The Hoaxters”. “The Hoaxters” was a cinematographic investigation comparing Communism, Nazism, and fascism to a traveling medicine show barker pedaling patent medicines. Just as a patent medicine is supposed to be an easy cure to all of the body’s ills all of the above are and were pedaled the same way, a cure to all of society’s ills and a quicky road to utopia. What’s more they backed everything up with easily verifiable evidence. Doesn’t that sound very familiar to the “Yes we can” man? I would recommend seeing this documentary, the fact that it was made by a Hollywood studio, in 1953, blew me away.

  11. Fritz Becker permalink
    August 18, 2009 7:35 pm

    Just as I thought that documentary was very interesting I think that a dedication by Sol Alinsky to Satan was ironic given the sort of Hell on Earth that would result if they get their way.

  12. Joseph White permalink
    August 19, 2009 7:53 pm

    I have to honestly wonder if any of these radicals realize that in the world they want, they would be the first ones put to death? The radical’s in the world, at least in the real world beyond the states, hate gays, hate lesbians, hate women, and hate freedom. So the first people to be put to death would be gays, then the women, and then where would we be left?

    • jackbelias permalink
      October 26, 2009 5:16 am

      Their war is with the inequality of nature. They honestly think that destroying this society will somehow erase natural law and leave them with a utopia where everyone is equally sexually attractive, and has exactly the same aptitude. This land of equality cannot exist.

      Long after they have destroyed our society they will still live in a world where Bobby is better than Billy at algebra and Susan gets more prom prospects than Sally. Billy and Sally will rebel against the utopia while violently punishing Bobby and Susan for benefiting from inequality.

      For as long as nature exists their utopia cannot exist. Destroying America will gain them nothing at all.

  13. August 20, 2009 7:29 am

    That Alinsky considered the middle class the target and ridicule his weapon just about tells the tale.

    Dick Gaines aka: Gunny G

  14. chaz permalink
    August 20, 2009 3:23 pm

    I really don’t think the garden variety street leftist is into “creating” anything, least of all a heaven on earth. I think they’re into destruction (also known by its gentrified name, “deconstruction”) as an end in itself, a frustrated expenditure of effort, energy and will, without any regard whatsover for the conditions left in the aftermath of their efforts. If they were about “creating” something — they would have a kernel of sense that could be appealed to by reason. Creativity is the very antithesis of the leftist radical, because it’s the very antithesis of Saul Alinsky’s hero, Lucifer.

  15. Rockerchic4God permalink
    August 20, 2009 8:21 pm

    Wow! Great essay. Let us not forget also that most of the lower class “progressives” or “liberals” are pot-smoking slackers that truly believe the government should support them, because they find working unpleasant. I have been around them most of my life due to the area where I live, Northern Calif. I look forward to the next post of this series!

  16. Linda permalink
    August 21, 2009 11:21 am

    To get really deep into understanding the Satan/Alinsky/Progressive connection, Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against teh rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (from on high)”. In other words, this is a spiritual battle. Satan hates God and Jesus. He doesn’t want the name of Jehovah God or Jesus Christ mentioned. That’s why we have so much Christian-bashing from the left.
    I never could understand the world until I found out about the existence of Satan (from the Bible) and how he is the “god of this world.” (II Cor. 4:4.) Most of the Progressives and their like probably don’t even realize where there ideas are coming from. They are deluded.

  17. semby permalink
    August 21, 2009 4:48 pm

    Horowitz is my hero – Go David!

  18. August 22, 2009 1:13 am

    Very interesting and thought-provoking piece. I actually have friends who romanticize communism and when I try to explain to them that it results in bloodshed they really don’t get it. But you are spot on with your analysis.

    I will disagree with you on one point, however. I don’t think Obama is a liberal at all. I think he and his team hijacked the causes of liberals to get them on his side. I don’t think, for example, he really cares about the environment, social justice or any other cause. He’s a corporate-bought candidate propping up the oligarchy, and he (actually Axelrod) brilliantly uses the left to his own ends. I think if most liberals (not radicals, there is a difference) knew Obama’s real agenda, they’d oppose him too.

  19. August 22, 2009 6:53 am

    Obama is probably not the classical vision of a liberal- to get a more accurage description of what sort of philosophy Obama has and a good understanding of what direction our country is heading, try reading a little book called Liberal Fascism.

  20. August 23, 2009 9:29 am


    Obama, Rahm Emanuel, his brother Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, David Axelrod remain, to my mind, all Judas Goats, and we the defenseless sheep and lambs.

    If you don’t know what is it a Judas Goat go to: If you ever have witnessed a Judas Goat in action, you’ll swear that, that SOB in the animal kingdom, knows exactly what he/she is doing and takes immense pleasure in doing it. Go back and thoroughly examine H.B. 3200 at or better yet, for thorough analysis.

    Don’t, for one New York minute, be fooled by Obama’s, Pelosi’s and Reid’s “concession” on the “Public Option” segment of the Democrat Health Care, oops, Insurance Reform bill.

    In boxing terms, it is a faint and parry; in football terms a head fake. The bill minus that provision is a difference without distinction.

    All the really onerous stuff remains, be it stiffing the elders, having the Advantage Plans go the way of the DoDo bird, limiting choice in plan options and a whole host of other big brother knows best features.

    Insurance companies will be forced to provide only “qualified,” one size fits all, plans. The extremely penalty ridden IRS tax remedies for failure to enroll in a “Qualified” plan remain (if there are any changes in the plan with which you now are on and satisfied – you will be required to go on a “Qualified” plan – if you don’t, the IRS will hit you hard, between the eyes.).

    So ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and MSNBC will blow much smoke over this, but again, remember this parry’s end result is a difference without distinction.

    And remember this, in the legislation, it is still mandated to have the public option. Obama and company are just saying it doesn’t need to be there to pass. Smoke and mirrors but it is still in the bill. Also, the most onerous Health Care provisions are not even in HB 3200. They are already a matter of law. They slipped though attached to the Stimulus bill passed in haste late last winter. That’s where, among other things, the elderly are putt on an arctic ice flow and pushed off out to sea. So, Sara Palin was right after all.

    Alan MacNutt
    Bridgewater, VA

  21. August 24, 2009 4:12 am

    Where Satan’s Chicago land minions get it wrong is that it is God’s creation and it is He who will clean up the mess as He did before using just 1 Noah without an ACORN.
    God may use them as He did when He raised up King Nebuchadnezzar to crush the nation and people He established when they strayed away from Him.
    The fatal error of the arrogant rebels is the same one of their master Lucifer. They are not God and never will be.

  22. Scott Madsen permalink
    September 21, 2009 6:42 pm

    Mr. Horowitz,
    Thank you for your insight. I saw you on Glenn Beck and had to look further into your writings. I must say, you clarified, to my horror, what to me was an inexplicable rush by Obama and the Democrats to push a radical agenda while telling half truths and lies to the American people. NOW I understand. There is a method to Obama’s madness. And madness it is!


  23. Harmon permalink
    October 25, 2009 5:29 pm

    In the first article it states: “This is why ACORN activists, for example, have such contempt for the election process, why they are so willing to commit election fraud.”

    Where have ACORN convicted of either election fraud or voter fraud? I think this a bogus issue. A few have turned in bogus registrations, but I have never heard that Mickey Mouse got to vote on election day. Have you? Or the Dallas Cowboys in New Mexico.

    • Melinwy permalink
      October 26, 2009 5:04 pm

      Harmon about trying google eh?

    • genomega1 permalink
      October 28, 2009 1:03 pm

      Start here Harmon: I suspect you are just a troll, no one can be this ignorant.

      • Harmon permalink
        October 28, 2009 1:26 pm

        With all do respect, genomega1, I’ve seen that list before. Notice it doesn’t show anyone who has been convicted of either election or voter fraud. I rather expect there are none or that list would surely show it.
        Thanks for your help.

  24. Marty permalink
    October 26, 2009 12:08 pm

    Let’s not forget Satan’s other name “the father of lies”.

  25. Conservadude permalink
    November 12, 2009 8:21 am

    Satan was not the serpent. Thats much later midrash, and not really orthodox commentary. It was probably adopted from an earlier pagan story of a tempting serpent devil. Before it was identified with the Satan devil, it was attributed to the devil Sammael, as well as Jesus.

    Prior to Genesis, Tiamat and the Midgard serpent were devils, but associated with the earth itself, so I tend to see the devil as Planet Earth if not physical existence itself. This is consistant with New Testament verses of the physical world being evil.

    • Dream Killer permalink
      December 3, 2009 1:17 pm

      Have you forgotton Lillith? If so, you’re not as informed as you think you are…

  26. November 17, 2009 2:37 am

    It is sad that distructive radicals and suicidal mass-murders do not place themselves at the head of the line, when it comes to selection of their first victim.
    They are placing their own desires first, in their actions. So they should be consistant!

    • An Anarchist permalink
      November 19, 2009 11:14 pm

      HAhahahahahah!!! I haven’t laughed so hard in ages! I knew “you guys” (right wing conservatives HA!) were afraid of us, but I never even dreamed to compare “progressives” with Satan… Its just too much, truly hilarious.

      Great article by the way. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. But I really choked at some of the comments!

      As for myself; I make no suggestions as to a new world order (communist socialist or otherwise). I believe in the abolishment of all hierarchy and government, especially an oligarchy such as this country has turned into.
      I am also for the complete annihilation of capitalism and the evasive lie that is this ever-expanding, cancerous economy (on a planet with very limited resources at that!).

      I do, however, support the people of this country (yes, even you) and, as much as I dislike all forms of government, I feel that the Declaration of Independence was/is one of the most noble statements ever written.

      But the fact is: power corrupts

      So down with power! Down with the system!

      Hail Satan! ANNIHILATION!

      • Dream Killer permalink
        December 3, 2009 1:23 pm

        You confuse pity with fear… From a pompous point of view, it’s an easy mistake to make.

        The only reason the economy has become “cancerous” to use your terminology is due to the structure of the Federal Reserve. If no money were in circulation at all, and you were the only citizen, but needed to buy food, you’d come to me for a loan (assuming I’m the Fed) I basically go print money on toilet paper, give it to you and tell you in 90 days come back and pay me the money with a modest say 10% interest. You think it’s a good deal and go on your way, eat, what not…

        90 days pass, you come to me. Say you’ve been lucky enough to go to work for me and earn all the money you borrowed back. You come to pay me, and I ask you for my INTEREST. You see, the Fed NEVER prints the money to PAY THE INTEREST! THAT is why this economy is cancerous! People aligned themselves with your mindset long before you drew breath, and we’re now reaping the irreparable damages of it all. Go ahead and laugh for now because surely tears won’t be too far behind.


  1. Lehigh Valley Conservative » Blog Archive » Do you really want to know more?
  2. Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me | Democrat = Socialist
  3. Hell on Earth « NewsReal Blog
  4. Healthcare debate « The Palintír Projects
  5. David Horowitz On Saul Alinsky | Be John Galt
  6. Top Posts «
  7. Boring From Within: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part III « NewsReal Blog
  8. Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me « Stop Socialism Now
  9. Hell on Earth « Stop Socialism Now
  10. To Have And Have Not: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part IV « NewsReal Blog
  11. This Joker Is A Lost Cause: Keeping President Obama Honest on Health Care–Let’s But A Smile On That Face–Staying Alive « Pronk Palisades
  12. Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me « -THE "G" BLOGS ~ Gunny G Online -
  13. Post-modern leftism: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part V « NewsReal Blog
  14. It IS a Spiritual War – Are YOU Armed? « Free People On The Land
  15. The Mentor For Our Leaders -- He Won His Own Kingdom -- H*ll - Rapture Forums
  16. David Horowitz Part I-V Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me – NewsReal blog « Snow Report Blog
  17. David Horowitz Part I-V Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me – NewsReal blog « Snow Report Blog
  18. Obama’s Mentor, Saul Alinksy, said the first “Radical” was Satan « The Lewis Crusade
  19. Means and Ends: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part VI « NewsReal Blog
  20. David Horowitz: The Real Source of “Inspiration” for ACORN and Obama :: Thupidity
  21. Means and Ends Two: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me (Part VI continued) NewsReal Blog « Snow Report Blog
  22. Means and Ends Two: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me (Part VI continued) « NewsReal Blog
  24. The Nazi Option: Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me, Part VI (continued 2) « NewsReal Blog
  25. Insight on ‘Rules for Radicals’ by a former commie - derhoosier’s Diary - RedState
  26. The Hell on Earth Series: Horowitz, Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and thee « Beagle Scout
  27. Horowitz, Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and thee - LJMiller96’s blog - RedState
  28. J’s Cafe Nette » David Horowitz On Saul Alinsky
  29. The Obama White House: Alinsky Reprise | Be John Galt
  30. The Obama White House: Alinsky Reprise - INC’s blog - RedState
  31. The Humorless Left Can’t Take Jokes or Creativity in Conservatives’ Criticism « NewsReal Blog
  32. J’s Cafe Nette » The Obama White House: Alinsky Reprise
  33. The Humorless Left Can’t Take Jokes or Creativity in Conservatives’ Criticism | FrontPage Magazine
  34. Alinsky, Beck, Satan and Me… « -THE "G" BLOGS ~ Gunny G Online -
  35. Speaking of Obama… « Jacksonian Lawyer's Blog
  36. Horowitz Exposes Leftist Agenda On Glenn Beck « NewsReal Blog
  37. The Left, Beck, And the Devil | Gryffn Musings
  38. David Horowitz’s “Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me” Series « NewsReal Blog

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